David Clegg: loca projects / correction
06 Aug - 05 Nov 2017
loca projects / correction is an archive of fragments collected from drifts through real and imagined urban landscapes, presented here as a simple walk through the galleries and spaces where the Govett-Brewster Art Gallery and Len Lye Centre meet.
This body of work assembles recent photography, sound recordings and text from a variety of times and places, most particularly gathered in New Plymouth, Christchurch and Vienna in response to the writing of Thomas Bernhard and Sergio Chejfec.
What emerges from the exhibition is a sense of being both in and out of place and time. In Clegg’s relationship to his surroundings, the flow and contingency of everyday life are gently evoked, and space seems constructed through the senses, memory and the imagination. Clegg’s practice allows us to momentarily glimpse, in often-overlooked spaces, what may otherwise be dismissed as commonplace.
Curated by Sophie O’Brien and Tendai John Mutambu

David Clegg Café Bräunerhof, Stallburggasse 2, Vienna, 29 May 2016 detail from loca projects 2016. Courtesy of the artist