02 Mar - 16 Jun 2024
Energtopia is Sean Hill’s new installation made for the Gallery’s Open Window.
Ranging in scale and appearing in varied contexts in and outside gallery spaces, Hill’s work proposes multiple possibilities for experiencing painted form, colour, and texture.
Across his practice, Ngāmotu New Plymouth-based Hill paints upon a variety of surfaces: from interior and exterior walls and canvas, to supports constructed from reclaimed wood. The artist’s visual language draws from multiple traditions and sources: street art and graffiti, painterly abstraction, Sāmoan tapa and tatau design elements and forms, screen glitches, and the natural environment. Throughout, Hill considers patterning, sequencing, and the dynamic flows of energy between people and the world around us.
Responding to the context of the Open Window—as an enclosed space which is at once publicly viewable at all times of day—Hill’s new installation comprises wall-based painting and painted forms constructed from wooden off-cuts. Throughout the installation’s season, elements of the installation will be restacked and rearranged, enabling multiple viewpoints and relationships to emerge.