Introduction for ECE

Available: Ongoing
Curriculum strands: Exploration - Mana Aotūrua, Contribution - Mana Tangata

These sessions are designed for our youngest visitors where smaller groups explore selected exhibitions including age-appropriate activities with a sensory focus. Sessions usually include hands-on action in our Learning Centre.

Teachers, please tell us your focus areas and time frame for us to tailor your visit.
For Kōhanga, kōpae or te reo focus sessions please ask for our Pouako Ara Māori, Emere.

Mā ngā Kohanga Reo, Kōpae me ngā Wāhi Reo Māori

Mahere ako: Mahi Whakatewhatewha - Mana Ao Tūroa, Takoha-Mana Tangata
Kua whakaritea ēnei hōtaka mā ngā kaitorotoro teina rawa, he mea rawekeweke mā  ngā roopu whaiti ki ngā whakaaturanga kua whiria me ngā mahi rāweke he pai mō te hunga nei te pakeke. I te nuinga o te wā he mahi hoki ka whakaritea hei mea whāwhā e te ringa tamaiti ki roto I te Kopa Ako. Pouako mā, tēnā, whakamārama mai o aronga ā kopa me te roanga o te wā e watea ana, kia tika te whakarite mā koutou. Mā ngā kopa ako, kua whakarite mō ngā tamariki kōhanga reo, kōpae, hunga kōrero māori rānei, whakapā atu ki tō mātou Pouako Ara Māori, a Emere.