2021: Bella Evans

Belle Evans, Beyond Blue, June 2021.
Courtesy the artist.
"I have invested my research and art making this year in the concept of twisted investigating what is going on in a space before you enter. I have always been interested in a skewed vision of perception through looking at normality and the boringness of life.
My compositions have required experimentation about the ways to create a feeling of what has not been seen. I am wanting to create a sense of what can be felt and not seen when you view my work.
Inspiration has been drawn from painter Francis Bacon and the movement of Surrealism. It has been important for me to paint the aspects of life that are mundane but have a twist. Adding a sense of skewed vision of life. My work can express a dark look at the mundane and what goes on when we are not there to observe."
Belle will use the Scholarship towards obtaining a Bachelor of Fine Arts with honours at Massey University in Wellington.