
The following information sets out our commitments to you, the website user, and our policies around such things as filming in the Gallery. Please get in touch with us if you require any further information.


The Govett-Brewster Art Gallery | Len Lye Centre, and its owners and operators New Plymouth District Council, have made every reasonable effort to provide complete and accurate information on this website, but accepts no responsibility or liability for the public's subsequent use or misuse of the information provided.

The Council does not guarantee that:

  • website visitors will have uninterrupted or error-free access to, and use of, the website
  • the website or any files available for downloading will be error-free or free from viruses, faults or defects
  • the content of the website is accurate, complete, or suitable for a particular purpose. Website visitors must rely on their own judgment in relation to any matter of that type.

Privacy statement

New Plymouth District Council respects and protects the privacy of our website users. You can read a copy of the Council's privacy statement here.

The collection and use of personal information by New Plymouth District Council is regulated by the Privacy Act 2020. Under this Act, personal information may be collected only for a lawful purpose connected with a function or activity of the Council and only if necessary for that purpose. Such information must, as a general rule, be collected directly from the individual concerned and that person must be told why the information is needed.

The Gallery/Council will only use personal information provided by website visitors for the reasons it was given. The only use we make of personal information (usually email addresses) is in response to queries made via our website, ticket information where things may change and an update to ticket purchasers is necessary, or where a user provides their information for the purposes of subscription to an email newsletter. We do not otherwise make use of personal information, nor do we provide it to third parties unless written permission is given by the website visitor concerned.

For more detailed information about the Privacy Act you can refer to the Privacy Commissioner's website.
If you are concerned that the Council may have breached the Privacy Act or if you are not sure of our obligations, you can contact the Privacy Commissioner. Privacy Hotline: 0800 803 909.


This website and all its content is owned by the Govett-Brewster Art Gallery | Len Lye Centre /  New Plymouth District Council and is subject to copyright. Website visitors may reproduce, store and use the content of this website for personal, informational and non-commercial purposes only.

Except as stated in the above paragraph, no portion of the content of the website, including text, graphics, photos and the Gallery logo, may be copied or used without the written permission of the Gallery/Council.

Website use

Website visitors are not allowed to do anything which alters the website, or interferes with or affects its working. This includes removing anything from it, adding anything to it, linking it to another website, and distributing any part of it to anyone else.


When a link is provided from this site to another site, it will open in a new browser window.

The Council is not affiliated with any person whose goods or services are linked to or from the website or any linked site. The Council does not endorse any content, viewpoints, products, or services linked from this website, and shall not be held liable for any losses caused by reliance on the accuracy, reliability or timeliness of such information.

Policy changes

Due to the changing nature of the world wide web, this policy may be changed at any time at the Council’s discretion without notice.

Gallery Photography Policy 

Non-flash photography and filming is allowed in the galleries for personal, non-commercial purposes only. Some exhibitions or art works may prohibit photography and filming - please follow the guidance of the staff and exhibition signage. 
See our full photography policy.

CCTV Policy

Please note that CCTV is operating at Govett-Brewster Art Gallery / Len Lye Centre.

For further information please see New Plymouth District Council’s Closed Circuit Television Policy.