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Director Dieu Hao Do explores the fragmentation of his family. The American War in Vietnam scattered them across three continents. Nearly 50 years after their escape, contact between the seven family members has all but broken down. How have traumas from persecution and violence inscribed themselves on the bodies and souls of the survivors and their children? After the Fall of Saigon on April 30 in 1975, more than 1.5 million people fled the communist regime, many of them including the director's family belonging to the Chinese minority there. The KinoFest is a German Film Festival presented by the Goethe-Institut New Zealand. 13 films explore themes of migration, connection, and interconnection, offering a nuanced and multifaceted view of German society. Fore more information visit: KinoFest 2023 - 17.-26. November - Goethe-Institut New Zealand