Inflation theory 1

  • Peter Robinson b.1965
    Kāi Tahu, Māori
Inflation theory 1


Inflation theory 1


Production Date 2001
Collection(s) Collection Govett-Brewster Art Gallery, New Plymouth
Accession Number 2001/3
Edition 2/3
Media Fibreglass, aluminium, nitro cellulose lacquer [car lacquer]
Measurements 1060 x 1640 x 1500mm


He tikanga tono mōhiotanga, tono māramatanga hoki, te tiro arorangi. Ko te mātauranga, e ai ki ngā kōrero whakapapa - me te āheitanga ki te mōhio mā te kite - nō te ao wairua, nō Ranginui.

Ka tupu tēnei kapua rāpoi ngota, ā, ka piri ki ngā whakaaro o te ora, o te wā me te takiwā. Ko te ingoa o Inflation theory 1 e hāngai ana ki te whakapae o te tere tupu o te ao tukupū i muri i te orokohanga o Ranginui e tū iho nei, o Papa e takoto ake nei. Ko tōna āhua hei tohu i te whakamahinga o ngā poihau ki te whakaatu i ngā tauira pūtaiao e pā ana ki ngā mātāpono o te whakapae. Ko te karihika ka puta i ngā tauira nei e whakaari ana i te kūiti o te tirohanga tangata ki te ao tukupū e noni nei tātou.

Ka hangaia tēnei hei whakarākei i te tāreitanga a Robinson i Venice Biennale i te tau 2001. Ko te ingoa o te tāreitanga, ko Divine Comedy, ā, koirā te ingoa o tētehi ruri Itāriana nō te rautau tekau mā whā e whai ana i tāna kiriora, i a Dante i tana ora i te pō ki te māramatanga.

The action of looking up is a gesture of active thought and the seeking of divine inspiration. In whakapapa kōrero (creation narratives), knowledge—including the ability to know through sight—is celestial and comes from the domain of Ranginui, sky father.

This molecular cloud expands and contracts with ideas of being, time and space. Inflation theory 1 is named after the theory of rapid expansion of the Universe after the ‘Big Bang’. Its form refers to the use of balloons for science demonstrations to illustrate the principals of the theory. The crudeness of these demonstrations reflects the limitations of human sight alone as a means to comprehend the structure of the universe and our place within it.

This work became a central feature of Robinson's installation at the 2001 Venice Biennale. The installation was entitled Divine Comedy after the 14th Century Italian narrative poem that follows its protagonist Dante on an existential journey from darkness to revelation.

— Text developed for Te Hau Whakatonu: A Series of Never-ending Beginnings (5 August 2023–11 February 2024), curated by Taarati Taiaroa